His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Namibia,
Dr Hage Gottfried Geingob
His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Namibia,
Mr. Herbert Beck
26 June 2023
Your Excellencies,
On 16 June 2023, an article was published in “The Namibian” newspaper under the heading ‘Germany and Namibia: Mockery of Reconciliation and Justice’ by authors Sima Luipert, Henning Melber and Jephta Nguherimo.
As Forum of German-speaking Namibians, we are deeply concerned about the authors’disrespectful attitude, and particularly about the last paragraph of the said article, stating “As it stands, the Joint Declaration is a betrayal of justice. It adds insult to injury. Shame on you, Germany, and shame on you, the Namibian government.”
We consider the last sentence an unjustified and unworthy outburst, which is disgracing the constructive efforts by both the Namibian and German governments to come to an amicable agreement regarding the genocide issue. Their efforts, culminating in the Joint Declaration and subsequent amendments, deserve the highest regard. The Forum of German-speaking Namibians respects and fully supports the Joint Declaration with its imminent amendments as an important contribution to reconciliation.
To use the term ‘shame on you’ does not deserve acknowledgement. We reject it with the contempt it deserves, and we are hoping for a speedy finalization and implementation of the said document.
Please accept, your Excellencies, assurances of our highest regard.
Respectfully yours,
Harald Hecht, FORUM Chairperson
FORUM Management Committee: H. Hecht (Chairperson), B. Herma (Vice-Chairperson), M. Nambelela, C. von Blottnitz, R. von Hase, H. Schneider-Waterberg, M. von Wietersheim